How to do Telepathy


    How to do Telepathy



*Nowadays we communicate with all by using the electronic gadgets likewise mobiles, computer, laptops, etc....

*If suddenly all the electronic gadgets are shutdown in all world, how was the mood is have. In that no one can communicate with no others are I'm correct.

*But the all peoples mentality is have if mobile and some communication of gadgets are no usable no one communicate other.

*Most of the peoples are told that is possible if nothing is communicate the people's like electronic gadgets.

*We must use our Mind by some psychic Extra sensory perception to communicate long distance people like phone.

*Sudo scientific research's told it's possible to all humans with communicate with our mind to others.

*We not using our mind for this purpose so it's was reduces by our growth.

*If you want to communicate with others you can use the Telepathy psychic power.

*This method was proved successful in front of scientific version. But it's was not able to find how the process is going on so this causes science was not proved it. So it's called an Sudo-science.

*All peoples must feel it once a life we think about someone they call you that moment or reach you front of you that time.

*This all the one of Telepathy method and clairvoyance.

*Ok I think you now you know some about Telepathy. Let's see the steps,


*Meditate daily as you possible it's helps your mind stay calm and focus on your goal.

*Add you daily meals by eating green vegetables beacuse its was gives you healthy body and healthy mind and good vibrations surrounds you.

*Don't distruct you mind by speak others and someone else.

*Have good thoughts its mades you good way of life.

*Do this method regularly and try this Telepathy method, if you try this method directly it's not successful to you.

*Now you sit comfortably or laid down or meditate. Now you close your eyes and relax your body and mind.

*If you relax you mind and body, now you can try to imagine who you want to communicate so you can try his/her face on you mind clearly.

*Now the time to speak what you want to tell them slowly in full of concentration and in that time you can feel surrounding like a magnetic field.

*Do it how long you do as much as you can and you can feel it like send it message who wants to you and then you can leave this.

*Most important one do it at night it gives you good results.

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