7 signs that your Third eye is opened


  7 Signs that your Third eye is opened:

In this world, 21st century 60% of people are not faith in God and 40% of people are faith in God but in this population 85% people are leads a normal life and surviving for daily needs with any perception about inner self and others. But 15% people are different from other people's because they are dominated by some chakras which carries high energy to us. In our body, we have mainly Seven Chakras in our body. 

They are have Seven Chakras:

1.Muladhara Chakra (root chakra)

2.Swadhishtaana Chakra (Sacral chakra )

3.Manipura ( Solar plexus chakra )

4.Anahata Chakra( Heart chakra )

5.Vishuddha Chakra ( Throat chakra )

6.Ajna Chakra ( Third eye chakra )

7.Sahasràra chakra ( Crown chakra )

Scientific names of chakras:

Majority of people's doesn't know about scientific name of chakras, most of the people's know the Vedic names of chakras.

1.Muladhara ( Adrenal Gland )

2. Swadhishtaana ( Ovaries or Testicles )

3.Manipura ( Pancreas ) 

4.Anahata ( Thymus )

5.vishuddha ( Thyroid gland )

6.Agna ( Pituitary Gland )

7.Sahasràra ( Pineal Gland )

 7 Signs that your Third eye is opened:

These Signs are common symptoms to all, And these Signs are not applicable to all, its differ from person to person. If you match at least 4 signs in your life in this seven sign, May be your Third eye has been opened.

1. First sign is if your Third eye is opened you can face the forehead pain severe in initial stage, and you can have some feel always on third eye area.

2. Your six sensory organs are active well ex your eye vision looks very power, and you can hear normal to better, and you can sense all the things. 

3. You can feel energy like positive and negative vibration, and you can sense the person mind.

4. You can feel always energetic, and you can avoid foods in initial stage. 

5. You don't expect anything from anyone, and you has a neutral mind because of third eye activations.

6. You have very high consciousness about surroundings, be aware with all.

7. Your personality and your behaviours are totally changed and you look very attractive and smart with your surroundings.

8. You don't fear about anyone or anything, you have own rules of your life.

This is the basic common signs to all, and I try to cover the same symptoms in this topic and if you have experience in it, you can share your experiences with all, if you want more about Third eye, you can mention your ideas in comments section.


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